Five Weird Trees for DCC

High in top of the dragonhome tree,
Sleeps a little dragon, a dragon like thee
When the wind blows the dragon will fly
Sleep little lordling, now don’t you cry

– a lullaby sung to Rilvac I, the New King

This week’s piece draws its inspiration from the real world: all of the strange and fantastical plants in the article are more or less based on real world flora. Most of the time I’ve taken very slight poetic license with the plants in question. Sometimes the world is just weird enough.



DCC Flora – Weird Trees


Illustrations by the always arboreal Joni Kesti.


Unlikely Urban Encounters


“Did’ja see them bounty ‘unters what just walked inta town? Pallydings, they said, or summat like that. Looked mighty menacin’ wit’ those big swords a’theirs. I wonder who they after…”

My players recently expressed a desire for more urban adventures this season, and of course I’m more than happy to oblige. To prepare for spending a little more time among civilization, I decided to draft up an urban encounter table to match the wilderness one I’ve been using for our campaign (available here).

Again, rules references are given for DCC, but the content should be easy enough to port to any fantasy RPG. The article contains a few new monsters and magic items as well, along with a whole bunch of events and quest hooks. Enjoy!



DCC supplement – Urban Encounters


Illustration by the urban explorer Joni Kesti.

A rock to hold on!

“That there stone cass’le deserves all the birdshit it gets.

I’ll wave my skinny arms like a tall flower in the wind,

jus’ build yer rocks.”

For the holiday season, our house artist Joni Kesti provided us with a map of any castle you need it to be. System agnostic and super detailed, you’ll make it work.

I’ve trouble putting to words how big a support he is for me, and how much he’s done for this little project of ours.

Happy cheers,


System agnostic – Castle Map



The City of Ironwall

“The City owns those who Belong.”

The City of Ironwall was one of the main campaign locations for the second season of our ongoing DCC campaign. It is a large, sprawling place, with adventure hooks and mysterious dangers galore. I finally managed to complete the article describing its districts, and here it is for all of you to enjoy during the holidays.

So, from all of us to all of you, have a good season of mirth and darkness!



DCC City supplement – The City of Ironwall


Illustrations by the extremely urban Joni Kesti.

Half-Breeds & Mongrels

“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!”

– some irritating Frenchman, Arthurian times

Now, I suspect that this may be a little controversial, especially for Judges who like their DCC clean-cut, with none of this newfangled race-template silliness. Nevertheless, I’ve always liked the idea of half-breed characters, and wanted to include them at my table, so I made some rules for it.

The article below contains two separate systems: rules of introducing some more traditional half-breed types into DCC as race-templates, and a system for having mongrelbred gongfarmers, saddled with strange and unseemly genes, as part of your 0-level groups. Pick and choose, mix and match, or completely ignore as blasphemous.




Half-breeds and mongrels for DCC


Illustration by the oddly elfin Joni Kesti.


“There are forces much more abominable than the deities we worship, standing behind the starlight and the endless cosmic pits beyond.”

Since I wanted to do something a little lighter this week, and to appease our Reddit-based readership where this was requested: here’s a sheet for building out your own deities.

The basic PDF below should essentially work as a character sheet for new gods, but I also played around with making a form-fillable version so that handwriting wouldn’t hamper pantheon building. It was my first attempt at using such tools, so try it out and tell me what you think.



DCC Deity Sheet


Fillable Deity Form


Knight Moot #2: Fun with Fungi


– Excerpt from the personal journal of adventurer and wizard Friedrich Helmut.

It is time for another Knight Moot! This time the collaborative topic was fungi, and all the fun we can have with it. I’d like to thank all participants, and invite everyone to enjoy our strange imaginings of the fungal world.

The document below ended up becoming a sort of a mini-zine: there’s loot, monsters, treasures, wonders, and even a very loose mini-adventure. I’m quite happy with it!



DCC Knight Moot#2: Fun With Fungi


Link to the previous Knight Moot here on KitN: A Pile of Bone Blades.

Header illustration (and most of the art in the zine) by the sporadic Joni Kesti.

The Frog and the Goat Inn

“Roughly a week’s worth of travel from the next place of any note, there stands the Frog and the Goat Inn. A haven for all weary travelers, the stone wall surrounding the compound is high enough to keep away most natural threats, and the prices inside are affordable to say the least.”

This is the 100th post on KitN! Hooray for us!

To celebrate, I decided to share a project which has been in the works for a long time now. I came up with the idea of a transdimensional inn to merge a couple of DCC adventure parties last autumn, and the location has been brewing in my mind ever since.

The location description is intentionally system agnostic and should be useful for most gamemasters of fantasy and adventure, but I couldn’t leave our Dungeon Crawl Classics readership without a little something: the additional DCC Appendix contains a full 5th level adventurer party for one-shot or walk-in style play, and a plethora of new magic items to introduce to your delves.

The place is named after a dinner I had in a Chinese restaurant in Lisbon: the menu consisted of goat ribs and frog legs, strange fare in a strange land.



System Agnostic Location – The Frog & The Goat


DCC Appendix – The Frog & The Goat


Art by the animal friendly Joni Kesti.

Dungeon Map Generator

Inspired by the fancy dungeon geomorph dice (pictured in the banner) I bought last spring, I decided to make a tool for generating (fantasy) dungeons. You can find the tool in the PDF below, and while it supports the use of the dungeon geomorph dice you can actually get by with just a set of 3D12 from your nearest dice bag. Continue reading “Dungeon Map Generator”

How to fill the time between delves?

“Did’ja see the guys coming back from the Wild? They had scars, like thiiis long, an’ were covered in a weird sorta glow! All’a ’em! 

Go check ’em out, I dare ya! They’re all holed up in tha Sweaty Pig, on the bad side o’ town. I’ll give ya a copper if ya dare!” Continue reading “How to fill the time between delves?”