Patron – Pwyk, the Huntsman of the Wild

“Pwyk, the Huntsman of the Wild is the satyr master hunter of the court of Elfland.

He is fast and agile, but nevertheless a formidable warrior.”

This week’s piece on KitN continues the coverage of the Court of Elfland with Pwyk, the Huntsman of the wild. This patron links up well with the rules for satyrs and elven knights as player characters (available here and here on KitN), and explores the design space of less arcanely-oriented patrons and their favours.



DCC Patron – Pwyk


Illustration by the rough-hewn Joni Kesti.

Patron: Lady Wyel of the Cold

“Formally under the Elfland court, Lady Wyel lives in the cold north of the Elflands.

Her touch is frozen, her hand is cold.”

The Cold Lady of the Elflands was a necessity for our campaign, and I’m absolutely joyful as Antti joins us as a writer on the blog.

There’s a civil war going on in the Elflands, the Old King is tired and harassed. And Lady Wyel wants her share.



DCC Patron – Lady Wyel of the Cold


Festive Patron – Saint Nicholas!

“Ho ho hoo!”

– Jolly Old St. Nicholas of Yule Mountain

Just too late for the holidays, it’s the patron we all remember growing up: jolly ole Saint Nicholas!

He is fairly unique in that none of his abilities can be used on the caster themselves and that he requires a character be generous to stay in his good graces. It should add some fun dynamics to any game that chooses to employ him.

This is the second patron I’ve written, and I hope to add a few more to the list before too long.

Season’s farewells and happy adventuring out there!

Andrew Schroeder

DCC Patron – Saint Nicholas


Patron: Nekthelos, the Emperor Oracle

“What if someone had eyes to see your future from beyond time?

Would it matter, or would it be the same?”

Nekthelos, the Emperor Oracle continues my long standing saga of the ancient hyperboreans (previously mentioned here and here). The invoke patron plays around with probabilities and future, standing beyond time and space of the adventure much like us Judges do.

I’m behind on my posting because I’ve been working through a flu, and because we’ve our 2nd campaign season finale on the coming Saturday. We’ll return to a semblance of normalcy once my head clears up on both counts.



DCC patron – Nekthelos, the Emperor Oracle


Patron – Daenthar, Progenitus of Inspiration

“Journal of Alexei Ridworff, Cog-o-Mancer Extraordinaire, Entry 1337.5/2:

My mind constantly flashes with inspiration! Mayhap I could combine the powers of the sun with a multi-bolt crossbow design? And then mount it on the cogwork man I worked on last week? Or possibly power the contraption with the phytophlogiston from the rootdistiller out in the compost heap…

Being able to man the workshop with self-guided tools is a true innovation! I have noticed minor changes in my dietary needs since my oesophagus was transformed to the strange piping in that accident a month back but nevermind. I’m sure this mechanical chef I’m just about to finish will be able to provide me with a suitable nourishing slurry of foodstuffs to suit the new configuration.” Continue reading “Patron – Daenthar, Progenitus of Inspiration”

A Thing from the Between-Spaces

“Worlds exist, this we know. And between them, something else.

A non-space, limitless and incomprehensible. Not a dimension, but the lack of it.

In that unfathomable realm, things float. And watch. And wait.”

This weeks article is a double whammy: an eldritch, existential, ectoplasmic patron from beyond, and a magic item to introduce it to your adventures. Continue reading “A Thing from the Between-Spaces”

Patron and Deity Demands

“I saw that man, y’know, one ‘a the weird ones who came ta town las’ Monday. ‘E climbed the highest steeple of tha temple, an’ sat there for hours, wit’ them pigeons…

Methinks the town’d be better without that lot, no matter ‘ow much gold they bring in…”

I’ve two DCC games I run, one on Monday and one on Wednesday. In addition to this, I play in three-ish tables of varied systems.

In my two DCC games, I’ve about a dozen patron bonded wizards, clerics of various deities, and followers of gods of multiple varieties. And I’ve just come to the conclusion that I need an easy, catch-all system to run patron and deity presence, since I cannot customize demands for this lot anymore.

Thus, I give you rules for arcane and occult demands, set by patrons and deities, when the Judge so wishes. These rules are very much in testing, so I’d absolutely love feedback here: I’ve a feeling that they can be improved upon, but at the same time, they should be quite functional, for the desiring Judge to test out.



DCC rules – Patron and Deity Demands


Article art by the ever masterful Joni Kesti.

A Field Guide to Giant Man-Apes

“Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowman, Sasquatch…these names refer to things seldom seen and often feared. Their forms and colorations are as varied as the names used to describe them. Giant creatures that often live in isolated wilderness, but sometimes come into conflict with civilization. Even when in contact they are often described with a timidity that belies creatures of their size and strength, but woe to the person who corners such a beast for they are also capable of a primal ferocity that can shake the earth.

Despite these creatures being a phenomenon the world over, they seldom crop up in conjunction with gaming. This is a real shame. The complex tapestry of legends, folklore, and tall tales that is easily available on the subject can easily be mined for rich details. They also represent something easily identifiable by the players in the general sense, while still being unknown in the specific sense.”

Bob Brinkman, “A Field Guide to Giant Man-Apes” Continue reading “A Field Guide to Giant Man-Apes”

Patron – Hidden Lord, God of Secrets

“Wizards, sorcerers and witches have an unending thirst for hidden knowledge. It is thus no surprise that the God of Secrets is willing to deal with them, offering patronage and power to those who dare to step closer to his hooded form.

Supplicants would serve well to be wary though, as Hidden Lord is himself a secret, his origins and true form a mystery to even the most knowledgeable scholars.” Continue reading “Patron – Hidden Lord, God of Secrets”

Narrimunth, Spawnmother of Rats

“‘Twas awful! The sewers, they were full of ’em! Jus’ like a roiling, furry wave! Claws and snouts, and them little beady eyes!

Me an Johnson, we ran like bats outta hell after opening that door down there. But it were of no use! The swarm jus’ caught up wiv’ us an’ ran us down. Then it turned around, like a tide turns, and carried us deep into the old parts of the sewer, where no one’s been for ages…

I don’ remember much after that. Jus’ many voices speaking to us. Many eyes. Tails knotted… I woke up in that there alley, jus’ a while ago…

Any’ow, how much fer that wheel’o’cheese? Yeah, the ripe one there. You weren’t going to throw it away were ya? The smell brought me ‘ere, sell it to me fer half price will ya? I’ve got a mighty ‘unger fer some smelly cheese, ever since I woke up. Mus’ be me nerves.” Continue reading “Narrimunth, Spawnmother of Rats”