
“There are forces much more abominable than the deities we worship, standing behind the starlight and the endless cosmic pits beyond.”

Since I wanted to do something a little lighter this week, and to appease our Reddit-based readership where this was requested: here’s a sheet for building out your own deities.

The basic PDF below should essentially work as a character sheet for new gods, but I also played around with making a form-fillable version so that handwriting wouldn’t hamper pantheon building. It was my first attempt at using such tools, so try it out and tell me what you think.



DCC Deity Sheet


Fillable Deity Form


Hidden Lord, God of Secrets

…as one of the Many

my Death means nothing

my life is given

to the Eye from the Void…”

Here are the deity details for Hidden Lord, God of Secrets, as requested by an avid reader of ours on Reddit. I actually like taking requests, and I’m pretty active on (too many) social media platforms, so drop me a line if you’d like to see something specific on the site. Also, you can now be among the first to follow us on Facebook and Instagram – we’ll have more to say about those platforms later, but they’re already up and running.

I heavily recommend reading the patron article for Hidden Lord (here’s a link) and the description of the eldritch Things from the Between-Spaces (over here) as well, seeing as this deity writeup references them somewhat heavily.



DCC Deity – Hidden Lord


Illustration by the ever inconspicuous Joni Kesti.

Klazath, God of War




This time in our series of deity writeups for DCC we have Klazath, God of War.

Man, I had trouble with this one.

First of all, a lawful war deity seems reaaally contradictory to me to begin with. Secondly, what’s more boring than “a god of war”? If it’s been made into a mainstream video game it’s really hard to pull yourself away from the usual tropes of Mars, Ares, Thor and what have you… And third, I’d sort of written myself into a knot with my pantheon: my version of Ulesh, the God of Peace (available here) is a former war god, and quite formidable on his own. I didn’t want to revisit the same themes, but still had to take into account the relationship between the deities while generating this one.

So, here is Klazath: all of the war-god tropes pushed into a single piece of bulky, animated armor. Should be weird enough for DCC, right?



DCC Deity – Klazath


Illustrations by the martially talented Joni Kesti.


Azi Dahaka, Demon Prince of Storms and Waste

“The winds and dust are all

Only the storm holds sway

Repent and grovel before you’re swept away”

Last weeks entry for our pantheon: Azi Dahaka, Demon Prince of Storms and Waste!

To be quite frank, I didn’t plan on writing up Azi Dahaka for cleric purposes at all. I was planning on handling small cults like his with a stack of generic disapproval tables (one for each alignment), and some small guidelines for running them. But I mostly do this based on demands from our home table, and one of the guys picked the Prince of Storms and Waste as his god, so who am I to argue?

I’m still catching up on my writing here, but should be up to date this week, barring a force majeure interjection. So watch this space!



DCC deity – Azi Dahaka


Patron and Deity Demands

“I saw that man, y’know, one ‘a the weird ones who came ta town las’ Monday. ‘E climbed the highest steeple of tha temple, an’ sat there for hours, wit’ them pigeons…

Methinks the town’d be better without that lot, no matter ‘ow much gold they bring in…”

I’ve two DCC games I run, one on Monday and one on Wednesday. In addition to this, I play in three-ish tables of varied systems.

In my two DCC games, I’ve about a dozen patron bonded wizards, clerics of various deities, and followers of gods of multiple varieties. And I’ve just come to the conclusion that I need an easy, catch-all system to run patron and deity presence, since I cannot customize demands for this lot anymore.

Thus, I give you rules for arcane and occult demands, set by patrons and deities, when the Judge so wishes. These rules are very much in testing, so I’d absolutely love feedback here: I’ve a feeling that they can be improved upon, but at the same time, they should be quite functional, for the desiring Judge to test out.



DCC rules – Patron and Deity Demands


Article art by the ever masterful Joni Kesti.