Knight Moot #2: Fun with Fungi


– Excerpt from the personal journal of adventurer and wizard Friedrich Helmut.

It is time for another Knight Moot! This time the collaborative topic was fungi, and all the fun we can have with it. I’d like to thank all participants, and invite everyone to enjoy our strange imaginings of the fungal world.

The document below ended up becoming a sort of a mini-zine: there’s loot, monsters, treasures, wonders, and even a very loose mini-adventure. I’m quite happy with it!



DCC Knight Moot#2: Fun With Fungi


Link to the previous Knight Moot here on KitN: A Pile of Bone Blades.

Header illustration (and most of the art in the zine) by the sporadic Joni Kesti.

A Noble Soul

“Fate’s thread, re-weaved and knotted anew.”

I made this blade for the big season finale session a few weeks back. Most of the encounters and events of the game were callbacks to stuff that happened during earlier in the campaign, and the Noble Soul is no different: I wanted to pay homage to one of the first fatalities we had in DCC, back when we started a few years ago.

This is a fairly traditional take on the “talking sword” -trope. The main downside for the item is that it can be pretty damn irritating: I have an inkling that my players may end up throwing it into ravine or something fairly soon, just to get away from the incessant encouragement.

You may also notice that we’re in the process of revamping the site’s style and expanding to a number of social media outlets. This is an ongoing process, and any feedback would obviously be welcome.



DCC Artefact – Noble Soul


Illustration by the ever vigilant Joni Kesti.

The Bow Unerring

“A bow so accurate that its arrows may pierce magic itself.”

I’m still recuperating from our massive season finale for both of my DCC campaigns: 11 hours of straight up Judging, 12 players (each with 1-3 characters) and an epic end to a plot hook I planted almost three years ago, in our first DCC session ever. My voice has mostly returned, but I can still feel the brain drain…

While I’m catching up to our publication schedule, here’s an artefact that saw great use in the grand melée last weekend: the Bow Unerring, a holy relic of Aristemis, the Insightful one.

Also note that I’ve made updates to the article entry for Aristemis (over here), to get it better in line with the rest of our deity entries.




DCC artefact – The Bow Unerring



Five Magical Brews

“Aye, well of course we’ve a pint for you… whatever you are. Sir.

Nevermind the tail, we don’ judge o’er ‘ere. Gran’ma Crooks ‘as  a ‘alf-dozen tentacles. Livin’ in ‘er ‘ouse! ‘Cats!’ she says, but them’s tentacles if I’ve ever seen ’em…

But with that bit of coin, well… ‘Ere’s the ‘ouse specialty!” Continue reading “Five Magical Brews”

Knight Moot #1: A Pile of Bone Blades

“Some say that the thigh bone is the best material for making a dagger. Whoever found that out must be a little touched in the head. Most of us prefer steel.”

A week or so ago, I put out a call for magical bone daggers for DCC (inspired by this article.) We gathered 8 entries in total, which I promptly doubled as promised: here are 16 magical bone daggers, for your perusal and use!

Big thanks to everyone who contributed: in addition to the usual Knights, we have entries from Daniel J. Bishop, Tim Deschene, Patrick Lene and Michael Markey.

If this goes well I may continue doing similar brainstorming events in the future!



DCC magic items – 16 Blades of Bone


Header art by the extremely detailed Joni Kesti.

Kestrel’s Tools & Tinctures

“There’s a shady alleyway, hidden in the backstreets, beyond rowdy bars and other questionable establishments. In this alley, there’s a little door. If you know how to knock just right, someone might open it, and let you into a warehouse full of odd contraptions, vials, satchels and bottles.

And, provided your pockets are deep enough, you might even walk out of there with a sortiment of odd items, surely useful in your next foray into the wild.

Where is it you ask? Buggered if I know!”

Here is a comprehensive specialist list of all sorts of tools and tinctures a delver might need: contraptions and gear, alchemical concoctions, healing equipment and poisons. Continue reading “Kestrel’s Tools & Tinctures”

Servants & Services

“Swords, spells and tools only get you so far! A smart delver knows when to hire some ‘elp, and never goes into a cave all by their lonesome.”

I ran Gnole House (from the DCC RPG Quick Start PDF, available here) for my Monday group last week, and despite the desperately remote location of the house, they’re planning on refurbishing the creepy old mansion for their own needs.

For this purpose, I ended up needing to sketch up a price list for various services and servants, since obviously they’re not opting for home improvement themselves (and none of the magic users have handy access to Mending).

So, I give to you an approximate price list for services, servants and henchmen, for use in a DCC setting.



DCC – Services & Servants


Header art by the most serviceable Danny Prescott.

Marigold’s Wagon of Wondrous Herbs

In a quiet corner of the marketplace there stands a wagon. The proprietor does not shout to hawk their wares, nor is there anything particularly exciting about the rundown carriage, apart for a heady smell of herbs and flowers that lingers in your pallet long after you’ve passed the spot.

But still, those in the know step into the small wooden cabin with large, jingling coin pouches, and walk out with much smaller parcels and bags, apparently happy with their purchases within.” Continue reading “Marigold’s Wagon of Wondrous Herbs”

Armand’s Emporium of Armor and Weapons

“The Alley of Steel is a loud place. The constant clang of the forges and the shouts of salesmen hawking their wares forms a wall of cacophony, enough to confuse anyone not used to the City.

But at a hidden dead-end stands a quiet shop, with no shingle marking the establishment. It is there for those in the know, and indeed, needs no advertisement: Armand has everything, from the curved blades of delicate steel forged by the veiled smith-eunuchs of the eastern deserts, to the crude heavy flails used by the crazed wildling hordes in the far north.

Some even say that Armand has a hidden back room of fabled items, made from mysterious materials and metals unknown to most smiths, but this might as well be a fable, for your meager take from the last dungeon certainly isn’t enough to trade for such treasures.” Continue reading “Armand’s Emporium of Armor and Weapons”