Knight Moot #2: Fun with Fungi


– Excerpt from the personal journal of adventurer and wizard Friedrich Helmut.

It is time for another Knight Moot! This time the collaborative topic was fungi, and all the fun we can have with it. I’d like to thank all participants, and invite everyone to enjoy our strange imaginings of the fungal world.

The document below ended up becoming a sort of a mini-zine: there’s loot, monsters, treasures, wonders, and even a very loose mini-adventure. I’m quite happy with it!



DCC Knight Moot#2: Fun With Fungi


Link to the previous Knight Moot here on KitN: A Pile of Bone Blades.

Header illustration (and most of the art in the zine) by the sporadic Joni Kesti.

Dungeon Map Generator

Inspired by the fancy dungeon geomorph dice (pictured in the banner) I bought last spring, I decided to make a tool for generating (fantasy) dungeons. You can find the tool in the PDF below, and while it supports the use of the dungeon geomorph dice you can actually get by with just a set of 3D12 from your nearest dice bag. Continue reading “Dungeon Map Generator”

The Shrine of Ni Ussa Mah

The air is dry and unusually warm. Clouds of dust rise from the trail upon each step. “Only the vultures dare that far into the hills”, he recalls hearing in the village while drinking with the unshaven brutes the night before. “You´ll get yourself killed up there, lad!” But a promise is a promise.  Even though given to a tavern wench begging on her knees in the calm of a dark bedroom.

He lifts his head and feels the wind through the visor of the helm. He can still remember the soft scent of the wench as she sobbed beside him. But now there is a stench of rotting meat in the air and faint barking sounds can be heard coming from the rocky terrace above. Something is lurking there. Beyond that old mud-brick wall. Something uncivilized and unclean. A wild dog perhaps, or a scabby wolf with a broken tail-bone. Whatever it may be, the missing child is up there.

Or what’s left of her, anyway.

Suddenly, a cracking sound from the left. In the corner of his eye he sees seven grimy apparitions charging down the slope, weapons in hand. They approach drooling and barking, like beasts in heat. The dog-people of which that old fool with an eye-patch was raving about back in the village. He realizes that venturing this far into the wilderness may indeed have been a mistake.

But a promise is a promise.

He draws his steel and turns to face them. Continue reading “The Shrine of Ni Ussa Mah”