The Snow Elves

“Each winter, inevitably, the snow elves come. Descending from the freezing mountains like an insidious creeping avalanche, their raiders prey upon the rural settlers of the foothills, ravaging their towns and stealing what they can before disappearing into the cold snow.”

Continuing our series of articles to fit the local weather patterns, here are the snow elves, and it’s -30 Celsius outside. I’m very happily writing this while sitting next to a roaring fireplace, but the obvious downside is that I’m not leaving the house anytime soon.

Snow elves are actually the result of multiple unfortunate rolls: my Monday group fumbled a random encounter check while traveling in the winter, had to roll twice on the encounter table, both of these rolls resulting in the same notation of “Bandits!”. Weather and misfortune conspired to created the wretched elven race, and they’ve been a stable in my campaign world ever since. This article ties in nicely with the previous week’s description of Lady Wyel.

Finally, I’d like to welcome our new art contributor into the Lance! Justell’s illustration caught my eye recently, and she was kind enough to join the growing ranks of our creative family. Have a look at her bio entry for more information and links.



DCC Race – Snow Elves


DCC Race – Snow Elves


Justell Vonk


Illustration: Justell Vonk – “Festive”; ink on paper, A4.


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