Magic Trick!

“Did’ja see the wizzard up in tha pub las’ night? ‘E musta been one of the most powerful wizzards ever! E’ summoned shadows right there, an’ set Alexei’s hair on fire by snappin’ his fingers!”

I’m not a big fan of how the small magics available to arcane practitioners have been handled in Dungeon Crawl Classics. Cantrip seems awkwardly rigid, and Ventriloquism is so situational that I’ve never even come across a circumstance where it’d have been even prospectively useful.

Magic trick is my attempt to remedy that. From now on I’ll allow anyone unfortunate enough to learn Cantrip or Ventriloquism to pick between those two and Magic trick, and we’ll see how that goes. PDF below, as usual.



DCC Spell – Magic trick



Judge AMP’s Shortlist of House Rulings

“I ‘eard tell that there’s worlds somewhere out there, where stuff works different…

That’s a scary thought, innit?”

Rulings, not rules.

That’s been my guideline for gamemastering for as long as I can remember. And after running DCC for 2-ish years, I decided to take stock of what I’ve tweaked in the game.

What follows is a compilation of our house rulings. At the end of the document you can find some endnotes, explaining some of the history and logic behind the decisions I’ve made.

Feedback would be most welcome, I hope this sparks discussion. How do you run your worlds?



Judge AMP’s Shortlist of House Rulings


Illustration by the law-abiding Joni Kesti.

Azi Dahaka, Demon Prince of Storms and Waste

“The winds and dust are all

Only the storm holds sway

Repent and grovel before you’re swept away”

Last weeks entry for our pantheon: Azi Dahaka, Demon Prince of Storms and Waste!

To be quite frank, I didn’t plan on writing up Azi Dahaka for cleric purposes at all. I was planning on handling small cults like his with a stack of generic disapproval tables (one for each alignment), and some small guidelines for running them. But I mostly do this based on demands from our home table, and one of the guys picked the Prince of Storms and Waste as his god, so who am I to argue?

I’m still catching up on my writing here, but should be up to date this week, barring a force majeure interjection. So watch this space!



DCC deity – Azi Dahaka


The Bow Unerring

“A bow so accurate that its arrows may pierce magic itself.”

I’m still recuperating from our massive season finale for both of my DCC campaigns: 11 hours of straight up Judging, 12 players (each with 1-3 characters) and an epic end to a plot hook I planted almost three years ago, in our first DCC session ever. My voice has mostly returned, but I can still feel the brain drain…

While I’m catching up to our publication schedule, here’s an artefact that saw great use in the grand melée last weekend: the Bow Unerring, a holy relic of Aristemis, the Insightful one.

Also note that I’ve made updates to the article entry for Aristemis (over here), to get it better in line with the rest of our deity entries.




DCC artefact – The Bow Unerring



Patron: Nekthelos, the Emperor Oracle

“What if someone had eyes to see your future from beyond time?

Would it matter, or would it be the same?”

Nekthelos, the Emperor Oracle continues my long standing saga of the ancient hyperboreans (previously mentioned here and here). The invoke patron plays around with probabilities and future, standing beyond time and space of the adventure much like us Judges do.

I’m behind on my posting because I’ve been working through a flu, and because we’ve our 2nd campaign season finale on the coming Saturday. We’ll return to a semblance of normalcy once my head clears up on both counts.



DCC patron – Nekthelos, the Emperor Oracle