The Frog and the Goat Inn

“Roughly a week’s worth of travel from the next place of any note, there stands the Frog and the Goat Inn. A haven for all weary travelers, the stone wall surrounding the compound is high enough to keep away most natural threats, and the prices inside are affordable to say the least.”

This is the 100th post on KitN! Hooray for us!

To celebrate, I decided to share a project which has been in the works for a long time now. I came up with the idea of a transdimensional inn to merge a couple of DCC adventure parties last autumn, and the location has been brewing in my mind ever since.

The location description is intentionally system agnostic and should be useful for most gamemasters of fantasy and adventure, but I couldn’t leave our Dungeon Crawl Classics readership without a little something: the additional DCC Appendix contains a full 5th level adventurer party for one-shot or walk-in style play, and a plethora of new magic items to introduce to your delves.

The place is named after a dinner I had in a Chinese restaurant in Lisbon: the menu consisted of goat ribs and frog legs, strange fare in a strange land.



System Agnostic Location – The Frog & The Goat


DCC Appendix – The Frog & The Goat


Art by the animal friendly Joni Kesti.

Patron – Daenthar, Progenitus of Inspiration

“Journal of Alexei Ridworff, Cog-o-Mancer Extraordinaire, Entry 1337.5/2:

My mind constantly flashes with inspiration! Mayhap I could combine the powers of the sun with a multi-bolt crossbow design? And then mount it on the cogwork man I worked on last week? Or possibly power the contraption with the phytophlogiston from the rootdistiller out in the compost heap…

Being able to man the workshop with self-guided tools is a true innovation! I have noticed minor changes in my dietary needs since my oesophagus was transformed to the strange piping in that accident a month back but nevermind. I’m sure this mechanical chef I’m just about to finish will be able to provide me with a suitable nourishing slurry of foodstuffs to suit the new configuration.” Continue reading “Patron – Daenthar, Progenitus of Inspiration”

Dungeon Map Generator

Inspired by the fancy dungeon geomorph dice (pictured in the banner) I bought last spring, I decided to make a tool for generating (fantasy) dungeons. You can find the tool in the PDF below, and while it supports the use of the dungeon geomorph dice you can actually get by with just a set of 3D12 from your nearest dice bag. Continue reading “Dungeon Map Generator”


It was just a jumble of tubes and screws and metal plates. But the group decided to fuel it with the blood of their dead and take it with them. And thus, I had to write the following rules for the rickety race of tinmen. They are a weird bunch but should provide some tank-y power in combat and some useful utility skills for the group.

Have fun!


DCC race – Tinman


DCC sheet – Tinman