The Rod of Power

“Now, how to describe a horrible malformation of reality. No bard can sing the song, no sage can tell the story

There are no words, only emotions. And all of the emotions are… YES MASTER.”

It’ll be exceedingly entertaining to see how my two groups manage this season’s end with the divided bits of the rod. The up-and-coming jaunt to Frog Hell for my Wednesday group (Bobugbubilz actually doesn’t care about the Rod, but Schaphigroadaz might…) and the ancient dwarven citadel for my Monday party… Well, it’ll be ugly.

Anyhow, if anyone else needs an ultimate McGuffin, or just bits of magic, the rules for my Rod of Power can be found below. Please, fondle them as you will.



DCC artefact – The Rod of Power


Patron and Deity Demands

“I saw that man, y’know, one ‘a the weird ones who came ta town las’ Monday. ‘E climbed the highest steeple of tha temple, an’ sat there for hours, wit’ them pigeons…

Methinks the town’d be better without that lot, no matter ‘ow much gold they bring in…”

I’ve two DCC games I run, one on Monday and one on Wednesday. In addition to this, I play in three-ish tables of varied systems.

In my two DCC games, I’ve about a dozen patron bonded wizards, clerics of various deities, and followers of gods of multiple varieties. And I’ve just come to the conclusion that I need an easy, catch-all system to run patron and deity presence, since I cannot customize demands for this lot anymore.

Thus, I give you rules for arcane and occult demands, set by patrons and deities, when the Judge so wishes. These rules are very much in testing, so I’d absolutely love feedback here: I’ve a feeling that they can be improved upon, but at the same time, they should be quite functional, for the desiring Judge to test out.



DCC rules – Patron and Deity Demands


Article art by the ever masterful Joni Kesti.

How to fill the time between delves?

“Did’ja see the guys coming back from the Wild? They had scars, like thiiis long, an’ were covered in a weird sorta glow! All’a ’em! 

Go check ’em out, I dare ya! They’re all holed up in tha Sweaty Pig, on the bad side o’ town. I’ll give ya a copper if ya dare!” Continue reading “How to fill the time between delves?”