Servants & Services

“Swords, spells and tools only get you so far! A smart delver knows when to hire some ‘elp, and never goes into a cave all by their lonesome.”

I ran Gnole House (from the DCC RPG Quick Start PDF, available here) for my Monday group last week, and despite the desperately remote location of the house, they’re planning on refurbishing the creepy old mansion for their own needs.

For this purpose, I ended up needing to sketch up a price list for various services and servants, since obviously they’re not opting for home improvement themselves (and none of the magic users have handy access to Mending).

So, I give to you an approximate price list for services, servants and henchmen, for use in a DCC setting.



DCC – Services & Servants


Header art by the most serviceable Danny Prescott.

Judge’s Checksheet

“Lotsa things can ‘appen to a delver, under the mountain or in the forgotten places. Some get set on fire, some fall down ‘oles. Others come back blind, crippled, or worse!

You’d do best to stay at home boy, tendin’ the turnips an’ sloppin’ the pigs.”

I don’t use a Judge’s screen: I let the dice fall where they may, and make all rolls out in the open. But recently, I had to figure out how the DCC rules handle blindness.

After eventually finding the rulings somewhere under the warrior deeds, I figured that I’d need some assisting notes for further sessions. So I made these cheatsheets! Continue reading “Judge’s Checksheet”