Review Week!

The Knights in the North have been up and running for a half a year! Hoo-rah!

To celebrate, I’ve updated the site icon with a shiny, new logo from Danny Prescott. Keep your eyes peeled for more art from him, we’ve got a few pieces stashed away just waiting for the article that’ll do them justice.

I must say, I never really expected things to go this well when I started the blog, drunk and bored in Poland last summer, nursing a badly broken heart to boot. We’ve grown, and managed to reliably pump out content, despite all sorts of shifts and shakes in our personal lives.

I’ll be going through my old articles this week, and applying fixes and tweaks here and there. I’ll add a list below once I’m done with the process (which might take more than a week to be honest).

And finally, thanks to everyone who’s participated so far, with a special nod to Markus for providing stellar content weekly for a while now.

Incidentally (but appropriately) this is apparently our 50th post on the site! Hoo-rah again! And onward to bigger and better things! (List of edits behind the jump.)


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Reinforcements from the Island Kingdom

Danny Prescott is responsible for our cool new site logo, and we’ve got a bunch of other art from him in the pipeline as well. And he’s promised to contribute in the future too! Read further to find out what he has to tell us about himself! Continue reading “Reinforcements from the Island Kingdom”

Patron – Hidden Lord, God of Secrets

“Wizards, sorcerers and witches have an unending thirst for hidden knowledge. It is thus no surprise that the God of Secrets is willing to deal with them, offering patronage and power to those who dare to step closer to his hooded form.

Supplicants would serve well to be wary though, as Hidden Lord is himself a secret, his origins and true form a mystery to even the most knowledgeable scholars.” Continue reading “Patron – Hidden Lord, God of Secrets”

Ildavir, Goddess of Nature

“You’d do well to pay heed to Ildavir, if you’re traveling through the Wild! She’s everywhere: in the trees, the animals, even the grass sways for her glory.

I hear Old Gubbins met her last year, when ‘e was on a trapping run up Bearclaw Gorge. Says she came out of the woods, bold as can be, and gave ‘im a speech about paying homage to the animals ‘e hunts, givin’ back to the forest and all that.

‘Course, Gubbins drinks like a fish and has a head like a mule. Like as not ‘e jus’ spent a week tipplin’ up there, and talked ‘is head off to an oak or summin’.

Still. Can’t be too careful with them divine types.” Continue reading “Ildavir, Goddess of Nature”

Carousing Table – Wizard

Here you can find the third and penultimate of my carousing tables for DCC RPG. I made this one for Wizards, Elves and possible other arcane spellcasters…as with the Thief Carousing Table and Cleric Carousing Table, the entries represent not so much “pure” carousing as the General Carousing Table, but rather a mixture of thaumaturgic drinking and down-time arcane studies for the more-or-less adept characters of the wand-and-pointy-hat persuasion. Continue reading “Carousing Table – Wizard”

Malotoch, the Carrion Crow God

“Some people say building gibbets at crossroads is just a way to humiliate doomed criminals further, to let passing travelers know that the region is ruled and protected by the laws of a stout lord.

This may surely be the case now, but originally the habit of leaving the judged dead for the crows was a mercy. It was done to let Grandfather Malotoch guide them to their just rewards in the afterlife, to make sure that those misguided souls who had strayed from their path in this life would find their destination in the next.” Continue reading “Malotoch, the Carrion Crow God”